Wednesday, November 20, 2019


Cherney Maribel Caves County Park offers caves, crevices and hiking trails. The park is located in Maribel, Wisconsin off of I-43 North, south of Green Bay. Take I-43 North to exit 164, turn right on WI-147, turn left on the first cross street - N. Parker Dr. Watch for the park sign on the right.

The Wisconsin Speleological Society (WSS) has worked in the park for a number of years to restore the caves by removing the glacial sediment from the cave passages. The WSS also offers cave tours through Maribel New Hope Cave and the Tartarus Cave system, which includes Tunnel Passage, Split  Rock Cave and Staircase Cave. These caves are gated to protect cave formations and bats. Smaller caves are located along the bluff and are a great way to introduce children to caving. Bring flashlights, knee pads and I recommend a hard hat. Public Tours of  the gated caves occur every 3rd Sunday from May to October from 9am-3pm.

Besides Maribel New Hope Cave and Tartarus Cave system, additional caves include Pancake Cave, Coopers Cave,  and Spring Cave.  These caves are accessible during park hours. Use care when accessing the caves as climbing over slippery rocks may be required. Spring Cave has a high volume spring exiting from it year round. You may not enter the cave but the gate and spring can be seen from a wooden viewing deck. You don't want to miss this spring. It is amazing!

White Nose Syndrome is a disease caused by a fungus that affects hibernating bats. This disease was first discovered in Albany, New York and has spread to bat colonies throughout the United States and Canada. White Nose Syndrome causes hibernating bats to wake up and deplete their energy supply, causing them to die of starvation; it is considered one of the worst wildlife diseases. To prevent the spread of the disease, cave visitors should decontaminate their gear, footwear and clothing after exiting a cave system and before entering another. Clorox and Lysol products can be used to clean flashlights, helmets and footwear. Clothing should be washed in hot water.

Just outside the park boundaries you can view the ruins of Maribel Caves Hotel and the bottling company. Please stay within the park boundaries - DO NOT TRESPASS.
Maribel Caves Hotel was built in 1900 and burned three times, each time on the exact same date. WIERD!!! Could it be haunted?

The hotel used to pump water up from Spring Cave for spa therapies and boasted that the spring water could cure a number of ailments. It is also rumored that Al Capone used the hotel  and water bottling company as a hideout during prohibition. Side note: if you find yourself traveling around Wisconsin, you will run into many places that claim Al Capone was there at some time.

Take time to enjoy not only the caves but the foliage as well. If you look closely you might also spot a second, smaller natural spring under a wood bridge. Can you spot it?

The County Park also offers a play structure for kids, a pavilion with picnic tables and restrooms and hiking along the bluff and river.

Please enjoy our Video


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